SPEECH PARTY TIP | self talk


🗣 Self talk is a strategy where you are describing what you are seeing, doing, and feeling in everyday life. Think talking to yourself. Similar to a narrator or commentator. Self talk should be used all the time, while playing, diaper changing, cooking, cleaning, dressing, exploring, shopping, crafting, etc. Your baby is never too young for self talk; they are able to understand and store language much earlier than they are able to verbally communicate. Your kiddos are listening to everything you say (even if it doesn’t always seem like it 🙉), and this is developing their language skills!


“I am pushing the train, choo choo. Uh oh, my train crashed.”

“I see a big black car. That car is driving fast.”

“Let’s get dressed. First let’s put on a shirt, then we need to find some pants.”

“I’m picking out our groceries. This is a banana. We need to buy 5 bananas."

“Being outside makes me feel happy.”

Soon enough, these little language seeds you are planting in your little ones' brains will come out in their own words! Talking is teaching! Let me know if you have any questions or success stories with using #selftalk 🧡